
Seiko 6R vs 4R movement


Born from the Seiko 7S movement, both the 6R and the 4R have way superior specifications as compared to its predecessor. But which is better?

A simple Google search will tell you that the 6R is way more superior than the 4R. But Why?

Having tried the 4R15,4R36 and the 6R15, Im here to give my thoughts about each of the movements

(4R15) VS (4R35,4R36)
The functional difference between the 4R15 and the 4R35/4R36 is that the latter offers handwind and hacking in its movement. But why is the 4R15 deemed as more desirable instead?

The 4R15 have the exact same mainspring as the 6R15, giving it 50 hours of power reserve which is 9 hours more than the 4R36 which uses the traditional mainspring. Moreover, the accuracy of 4R36 is -25/+35 compared to the -15/+25 that the 4R15 and 6R15 offers.

(4R15) VS (6R15) VS (4R35, 4R36)

Effectively, getting a 6R15 is like getting a 4R36 with improved power reserve and accuracy as it has handwind and hacking.

The 6R15 is also the 4R15 with hand wind and hacking.

The 6R15 is probably like getting the best of 4R15 and 4R36 combined.

If you can afford the 6R15, go straight for it. If not, go with the 4R15. If you just started looking at watches, maybe you can start with a 4R35 or 4R36

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